When I was little, I dreamed of becoming an astronaut, who also did a little bit of acting on the side, while enjoying a lucrative career as a lawyer. Why not?
I got my wish, practically speaking.
As a Workforce Empowerment leader (formerly HR), I am often called on to act as the first stop before legal counsel is called in, as an employee relations mediator, management trainer/actress, performance motivator/cheerleader, priest/rabbi/minister, mom/dad, and everything in between. I know my colleagues experience the same thing regardless of their role being an in-house provider or third-party advisor. It's a mixed bag to say the least.
As People & Culture team members, it may go unnoticed how many hats we are expected to wear on a daily basis as part of our role. No whining here; just an acknowledgement of the extreme emotional acumen and self-control we exercise when called upon to smooth out the wrinkles or jump in front of the train.
It helps to acknowledge, too, that your HR team is human...truly human. We can prioritize well and help in large amounts but we cannot be everything to everyone. Duh, right? Still, it bears repeating and a little gratitude.
So today, in honor of my professional brethren, I am sending out words of support and appreciation in hopes that your co-workers read this article and give you a warm fuzzy smile or comment on this hump day.
Let's hear it for W.E. practitioners who adhere to ethical standards and still remain human.
Give a shout out to the People Leaders who give counsel with wisdom and compassion instead of playing in to what the table wants to hear.
Pats on the back to my sisters and brothers who push for, not only inclusion, but meaningful integration because they live and breathe diversity.
High fives for all levels of HR when they can be trusted by employers and employees to give them answers that go beyond a Google link.
Warm hugs to those who practice patience, kindness, efficiency and partnership to everyone who makes up the worldwide workplace.
We appreciate your contributions! When things get heavy, we remember that you are the first ones to turn to for advice and referrals. Life is complicated and often violent these days. I, for one, see loads of you out there doing the good work to make things more tolerable.
Good for you. And thank you!